Saturday, 26 November 2016

No Complains, No Blame, No Excuses & …

As I reflect back on how we have continuously & consistently grow our companies, it has definitely been without a doubt more than a great ride so far. In life, as in business, obstacles and challenges are there to keep us stimulated. However many have failed to take it on from a more positive light. They tend to just complain, blame and give all sorts of excuses on why they did not make it and why they did not get what they want. You see, these losers can never admit to themselves that they are incompetent and if they were to do so, it would have been their fault. Losers just cannot accept the fact that they are losers. On the contrary, if we continuously and consistently take massive actions, we will be creating abundance and opportunities right in front of our eyes. They next time, you think about complaining, blaming and giving excuses, think again. Just say thank you and move forward from there.

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